In KME News

The 47th Biennial Convention will be at hosted by Missouri ETA at Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri March 20-22, 2025.

The Kappa Mu Epsilon North Central Regional Convention was held on April 19-20, 2024, on the campus of Missouri State University in Springfield, MO, hosted by the Missouri Alpha Chapter.
The convention kicked off on Friday evening at 7:00 pm with pizza and math trivia.
On Saturday morning, registration started at 8:00 am and the convention started at 8:30 am with Dr. Tamera Jahnke, MSU’s dean of the College of Natural and Applied Sciences welcoming the participants. Student presenters were Micah Herron (MO Theta), Rachel Lee (MO Alpha), Yashasvi Moon (MO Alpha), Tori Risner (MO Theta), and Peter Russell (MO Alpha). Faculty worshops were presented by Cynthia Huffman and Yashasvi Moon (KS Alpha), and John Snow (TX Kappa). Presentation topics and abstracts can be found on the Conventions Page.
The keynote address on Ramsey Theory was given by Les Reid, Corresponding Secretary of MO Alpha, the host chapter.
There were a total of 36 participants from the following chapters:
Kansas Alpha | Pittsburg State University |
Kansas Beta | Emporia State University |
Kansas Delta | Washburn University |
Missouri Alpha | Missouri State University |
Missouri Eta | Truman State University |
Missouri Theta | Evangel University |
Missouri Xi | William Woods University |
Texas Kappa | University of Mary Hardin-Baylor |
Overall it was an enjoyable convention. It was well organized, the talks were of the usual high quality, and it provided an opportunity to make new acquaintances and renew old ones.

We received word recently of the passing of George Mach on March 13, 2024. George exemplified the kind of person that we should emulate. His selfless service to our organization helped form the society and is the reason why we consider the George Mach Distinguished Service Award to be the highest honor we can award. You may read his obituary here

The 2024 North Central Convetion will be held April 19-20 at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. The convention will be open to participants from all regions. More information will be coming...

Many times during the National Convention we were reminded that one of our members who would have loved to be with us had passed away. The KME National Secretary, Steven Shattuck, passed away on Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023, just days before the convention. KME President Don Tosh presented a plaque recognizing his Outstanding Service as KME National Secretary for the past four years, 2019 – 2023, to Rhonda McKee. Rhonda graciously offered to fill in for Steve during his struggle with cancer. She will present the plaque to Steve’s family. He was an important part of KME and he will be missed. Thank you Steven for going above and beyond in your duties as secretary. And thank you Rhonda for conveying our condolences to his family.

Immediately following the National Convention, KME President Don Tosh (on right) presented a plaque to David Dempsey recognizing his Outstanding Service as KME National Treasurer for the past eight years, 2015 – 2023. Thank you David for all of your diligent work in keeping our financial records current and accurate. And we look forward to the service you will provide in your new role of National Secretary.

Established in 2021, the Rhonda McKee and Don Tosh Outstanding Chapter Award is granted biennially to recognize an active chapter which exemplifies the purposes of KME. The chapter receiving the award this biennium is Alabama Theta, at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Alabama. In the description of this award there are several criteria listed. These criteria include regular initiations, filing regular reports, attending regional and national conventions, having student presenters, holding regular chapter meetings, and hosting conventions. The hope is that qualifying chapters will strive to attain many of these goals. Alabama Theta met every one of these goals, and has been active in KME since their installation in 2010. This chapter indeed exemplifies the purposes of KME. The award includes a plaque and a check, and Rhonda McKee and Don Tosh had the pleasure to make this presentation to the Corresponding Secretary of Alabama Theta, David Dempsey, and other members of the chapter at the national convention.

The George Mach Distinguished Service Award is KME's most important award, and this year the recipient is Cynthia J. Huffman. Cynthia has been a member of Kansas Alpha for 40 years. She was Kansas Alpha’s Faculty Advisor for 13 years and Corresponding Secretary for 3 years. She was the North Central Regional Director from 2001 to 2009, the National Treasurer from 2007 to 2015, and the National Historian from 2017 to 2021. Two items of special interest is that she was the creator of the KME Facebook page, and she served as the editor of the 90th Anniversary Edition of KME’s History. She has served with distinction in all of her many roles. KME is a better organization because of her.

The installation of the California Theta Chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon was held in the Commons on William Jessup University campus on Monday, October 17, 2022, at three o'clock in the afternoon.
KME National President Don Tosh was the installing officer. Faculty member Michelle Clark, already a member of KME, was the main driving force in establishing this chapter of KME, and will serve as the chapter’s Faculty Sponsor. She served as the conductor during the ceremony. Faculty member Bradley Wagner was initiated during the ceremony and will serve as the Corresponding Secretary. During the ceremony, new members were initiated and officers were installed. Don Tosh declared the organization to be the California Theta Chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon, and presented the chapter’s charter and crest to the Corresponding Secretary.
The student charter members of California Theta are: Michael Beishline, Hannah-Jeanne Bethards, Stephen Chau, Mikayla Erickson, Lizzie Salvato, Samuel Smith, and Rachel Weaver. Each initiate was invited to sign the California Theta Chapter Roll, and was presented with a membership certificate and a KME pin.
The officers of California Theta installed during the ceremony are: Michelle Clark (Faculty Sponsor), Bradley Wagner (Corresponding Secretary), Lizzie Salvato (President), Stephen Chau (Vice-President), Mikayla Erickson (Secretary), and Samuel Smith (Treasurer). Each officer was charged with the responsibilities of his/her new office, and each chose to accept those responsibilities. Dr. John Jackson, William Jessup University President, concluded the ceremony with some closing remarks. A time of congratulations and fellowship with refreshments was enjoyed by all following the installation ceremony.